Minami Minami

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Minami Minami CREAM のボーカル 🇯🇵 My Cooking IG: @minamimeshi “Go Peaches” streaming now... | avex.lnk.to/CREAM_GoPeaches |
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@minami_cream : Happy Birthday to my brother from another mother @staxxt_cream 知り合ってから楽しい事、辛い事、大変な事を一緒に経験してきたね。 たまに叱られ、たまに叱る程度で喧嘩もせず仲良く、笑ってこんなに楽しくやっていける相方を10代の頃にみつけた事に本当に感謝?? Tがいなかったら今の私は確実にいなかった。どんな事があっても、何年たっても何一つ変わらないのは二人だけにしか見えない向かってる先の明確なビジョン。何があっても突っ走って小さい夢、大きい夢一つずつ全部叶えて行こうね? どんな事がおきたとしても一生Tの味方だからそれだけは絶対に忘れないでね? ちなみにTは可愛いギャルと同じぐらい自分の誕生日が大好き。みんないっぱいお祝いしてあげてね? Its been over a decade since I met u T. We’ve gone through some pretty crazy times pouring our blood, sweat and tears into our dreams and what we believe in. The more time passes, the more grateful I am to have found you so early on in my life. My loyalty will always lie 1000% with you no matter what obstacles life may throw our way. I got u. Thank you for being the protective brother that I always wanted, the genius that fills my mind with inspiration, the perfectionist that pushes me to my potential and the true secret to my ab work out? May we continue to conquer our goals, one dream at a time. I’ve never met anyone who loves his birthday as much as Staxx lmao so when u get the time give him a S.O?
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