Miyavi Lee Ishihara

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Miyavi Lee Ishihara I play the guitar / Sometimes do acting & modeling / Ambassador of UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency / 国連難民高等弁務官事務所) / Dad of 2 girls | umj.lnk.to/miyavi_nsttPR |
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@miyavi_ishihara : 7th world tour is done. Traveled around the world to see people I love with the guitar. Many things learned and earned from this journey. It also means a lot to me to be able to face you all not just as a crowd but as human beings. I feel we’ve gotten so much stronger. The new day is already started here. Looking forward to rocking with you again. Big thanks to the members, such great ppl with kind hearts @bobo_drums @jonnylitten @seannbowe @haogilvy @cassandra_violet @moreolivia, all the staff and promoters who supported us, thank you for believing in me and joining this journey. And you, everyone who came to witness us. You guys are the ones who made this happen. Proud of you and thank you so much and I love you all from the bottom of my heart. M ? : @ronniepedra #DAY2WorldTour
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