Miyavi Lee Ishihara

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Miyavi Lee Ishihara I play the guitar / Sometimes do acting & modeling / Ambassador of UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency / 国連難民高等弁務官事務所) / Dad of 2 girls | umj.lnk.to/miyavi_nsttPR |
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@miyavi_ishihara : With @melody_lee_ishihara I simply and deeply respect her not only as a woman, mother, partner and my best friend but also as a human being. She teaches me a lot to be a good person so that I can stay on a right path. Thank you for letting me be a rockstar and sorry for making you worry always. Sometimes I feel like I’m your son. Love and big big respect. メルさんと。パートナーとして、最高の友として、女性として、そして何より、人として純粋に尊敬しています。いつも正しい道に導いてくれてありがとう。そしてロックスターでいさせてくれてありがとう。いつも心配ばかりかけてごめんなさい。たまに何故かあなたの息子の様な気持ちにもなります。ありがとう。愛と尊敬の念を込めて。#Repost @melody_lee_ishihara Letter to my love. So it’s been almost 11 years since we met and became the best buddies. We could not stop talking for hours if we started, and at the same time we wouldn’t even have to say a word to each other and we communicated just with our eyes, our breath, or one gaze. I am so thankful to have gotten to know you, because you made it possible for me to believe in a thing called love. So skeptical I was, and so immature that I thought I would never marry or even have children. But you taught me faith, and unconditional love and that there really can be an unbreakable bond. I respect you immensely, from the bottom of my heart and I believe in you. Thank you for all you do, every single day. I will forever be by your side to support you, to listen to your philosophies and wonders, to watch you grow and achieve all your aspirations, and.... to simply grow old together, hand in hand.
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