Miyavi Lee Ishihara

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Miyavi Lee Ishihara I play the guitar / Sometimes do acting & modeling / Ambassador of UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency / 国連難民高等弁務官事務所) / Dad of 2 girls | umj.lnk.to/miyavi_nsttPR |
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@miyavi_ishihara : Yes, love gives us strength and hope no matter what kind of situation we are in. God bless them. 難民キャンプで出会った二人、ガイとジゼル。どんな状況でも、誰かを愛する気持ちがあれば強くいられる。二人に祝福を?? #Repost @refugees Love gives strength and hope.❤️ . Meet Guy and Giselle - a match made in Mahama refugee camp, Rwanda, where funds run low but the love runs high. . They met at a collective where they joined fellow aspiring models to set up Top Family Models Agency. Giselle says that the collective “taught us how to be a family: we are one, we are family. And the love between us and all of our team is so special." These young refugees show that love, whether between family, friends or a model power-couple, always triumphs against all odds. . This #ValentinesDay we celebrate the love refugees have for each other, and the strength and hope they have for a better future. #LoveRefugees . We urge everyone to show some love and stand #WithRefugees today and everyday. . Happy Valentine's Day! . Photo: © UNHCR/Hector Perez . #love #loveislove #ValentinesDay2019 #Rwanda #refugees
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