Miyavi Lee Ishihara

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Miyavi Lee Ishihara I play the guitar / Sometimes do acting & modeling / Ambassador of UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency / 国連難民高等弁務官事務所) / Dad of 2 girls | umj.lnk.to/miyavi_nsttPR |
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@miyavi_ishihara : New Album is OUT NOW?Thanks to all the GREAT creators, staff, friends, and you all I still can play the guitar and continue rocking. We put everything into this creation. Thrilled to share this baby with you all over the world and can’t wait to hear your impression!!!!! Looking forward to rocking with you on the upcoming tour ?????⚡️ニューアルバム出ました!!レニーをはじめ素晴らしいクリエイター達、スタッフの皆、仲間たち、そして応援してくれる皆に感謝です。この作品に現在進行形の MIYAVI を全て詰め込みました。世界中で鳴り響くことを思うと、心が震えます。皆の感想、どしどし送ってください!!!!!✋?✋??? #Repost @miyavi_staff NEW ALBUM [NO SLEEP TILL TOKYO] IS OUT NOW?Available for Download & Streaming WORLDWIDE? . 購入は下記より https://umj.lnk.to/miyavi_nsttPR . Album Illustration By: @ishida_sui . 【リリース情報】 MIYAVI NEW ALBUM ? NO SLEEP TILL TOKYO 7.24 Release!! . 【ライブ情報】 MIYAVI North America Tour 2019 “NO SLEEP TILL TOKYO” . 7/25 - Vancouver | Vogue 7/26 - Seattle | Neptune’s 7/27 - Portland | Crystal Ballroom 7/29 - San Francisco | Slim’s 7/30 - Santa Ana | Observatory 8/03 - Tucson | El Rialto Theatre 8/05 - Dallas | Trees 8/06 - Houston | Scout Bar 8/07 - Austin | Come and Take It Live 8/09 - Mexico City | Sala Puebla 8/11 - San Antonio | Vibes Event Center 8/13 - Chicago | House of Blues 8/15 - Detroit | El Club 8/16 - Toronto | Queen Elizabeth Theatre 8/17 - Montreal | Otakuthon Festival 8/19 - New York | Sony Music Hall 8/20 - Philadelphia | Theatre of Living Arts 8/22 - Washington D.C. | The State Theatre 8/24 - Atlanta | The Masquerade . MIYAVI “NO SLEEP TILL TOKYO” World Tour 2019 . October: EUROPE November: ASIA December: JAPAN . MYV CREW Exclusive MIYAVI Birthday Live 2019 . 9月15日(日) 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM . Birthday Live 2019  チケット先行に間に合う!! MIYAVI ファンクラブ ”MYV CREW” 2019年度会員受付中!! MIYAVI Fan Club“ MYV CREW” 2019 Membership Admission and Renewal Information  ご入会方法は⬇️ http://myv382tokyo.com/myvcrew/about.html . . #MIYAVI #NoSleepTillTokyo #NSTT #UnderTheSameSky #DAOKO #千客万来 #SenkyakuBanrai #Diner #ninagawamika #蜷川実花 #MYVCREW #NorthAmerica #USA #CANADA #MEXICO #EUROPE #ASIA #JAPAN #live #石田スイ #SuiIshida
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