Naomi Watanabe

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@watanabenaomi703 : NYと言えば…ジムだよねー? NY初ジム!体力欲しいから 1時間筋トレ+20分ウォーキング。 初心者にしては頑張ったわよ。 パーソナルトレーナーさんとガッツリやるのが初めてだったから、ご覧の通り厳しく疲れが顔と髪に出てます。先生が終始目を光らせてたからもちろんサボれないしにょ?最後の写真は先生が目を光らせてた時の写真だよ!(え?) 目標は、可愛いトレーニングウェアが着れるくらい引き締めたいわw てかうちら向けのサイズを一番先に作るべきじゃない?(ちなみにノア先生元々140kgあったんだって今ムキムキまじ希望の星) ここだけの話、新しく買ったトレーニングウェアがピチピチでさ、着替えるのが必死で、まだ始まってないのに汗でビチョったって話はナイショだよ。ロッカーで自主練してた?くらいの汗の量? 体力欲しいー When you think of NY, you think of the gym, right?? It was my first time hitting the gym in NY!I want to build stamina so I did weights for one hour and twenty minutes of walking. I think I did well for a beginner. It was the first time working out with a personal trainer and you can see how strict he was from my hair and the exhuastion on my face. The trainer had his eyes on me every second so I couldn’t slack off at any point?The last photo is of him keeping a watchful eye over me! My goal is to become fit enough to wear cute workout clothes lol (FYI The trainer Noah had 140kg and is now super fit. A ray of hope!) Just between you and I, the new workout clothes I just bought were super tight and it took so much effort to get changed into them. Don’t tell anyone I was super sweaty before even starting the workout. I was sweating to the point where it seemed like I was training on my own beforehand in the locker room.
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