Chris Hart

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Chris Hart - クリス・ハート Chris Hart Official Instagram Award Winning Japanese Pop Singer A.P.E. Songwriter/Producer | |

Chris Hart Posts

541 Likes | 1666 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
having three small kids of near age is like having three broken alarm clocks, that go off randomly all throughout the day and night. It’s loud and chaotic. Still it’s fun, rewarding and always an adventure. I can’t take for granted how fortunate we were to be able to have 3 healthy kids born almost 2 years apart each time. The hard part is ahead, but for now, the kids love each other and continue to grow together. Couldn’t ask for much more than that. #長男 #Dくん #長女 #Aちゃん #次女 #Mちゃん #MyBabies

604 Likes | 1669 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
赤ちゃんの手がちっちゃい〜 忘れちゃうな #赤ちゃん #可愛い #Mちゃん

344 Likes | 1673 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#眠くないよ #ちょっと眠いかも #眠いよね #ねみぃんだよ

2,136 Likes | 1675 days ago | 188

Chris Hart post on Instagram
応援してくださる皆様へ 9月25日に、第三子となる女の子が誕生いたしました。 3人の中で一番大きく生まれ、胸板厚めのたくましい元気なベイビーです。 それでも、腕の中で抱いた時のあのか細い泣き声を聞くと、懐かしさと共に愛おしさが込み上げてきます。 歳の近い子どもたちが、成長のスピードや個性は様々ながら、これまで健康に育ってくれていることに、改めて感謝の思いでいっぱいになりました。 娘には、兄姉ほどのわんぱくさは求めないので… 家族からの愛をしっかりと受け止めて、自由に朗らかに、そして愛される人に成長してくれることを願っています。 更に賑やかさを増した我が家を、今後とも、どうかよろしくお願いいたします! With love & gratitude, クリス・ハート 令和元年9月25日 #BabyGirl #誕生 #beautiful #ThirdChild #感謝 #trilogy #ありがとう

599 Likes | 1677 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
マヨワさん、 頑張れ〜! #youは何しに日本へ #ILOVEYOU

418 Likes | 1698 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@dcappellamusic Live in Tokyo #Disney #Amazing #Fantastic #Bravo #Magical #日本語上手い ww

350 Likes | 1700 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
今日のメロディ〜 #作曲 #キーボード

343 Likes | 1701 days ago | 4

Chris Hart post on Instagram
[continued: part 2] There is a beautiful silver lining to this problem of overwhelming input of information and increased sensitivity. If you still have the ability of empathy and can feel for others. We now also have the ability to see the greatest joys play out before us. A miracle birth, special graduations, or a simple moment of happiness that was shared with the world. We have the ability to see a problem, act on it, and see, in real-time, the lives it changes. We have the power to care and the power to change. So no we’re not too sensitive. Not too easily triggered. We’re just people who still have the capacity to feel, and the capacity to help others so that we all end up a bit happier in the end. #GettingBetter

357 Likes | 1701 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Is society too sensitive? [part 1] Are we too triggered? Too easily offended? I have spent so much of this last year or two pondering this and consuming countless instances of pain and suffering from around the world. Even throughout my career, I have heard the stories of so many people who are hurting, and struggling and just trying to get by. It penetrates so deeply and makes you so immensely aware of how many people there are in the world and how much hurt we experience. So the original question...are we too sensitive? I think the answer is no. We are not too sensitive. If anything, we may be leaning toward the more disturbing alternative that we are not sensitive enough. What we are, is far more aware than any other time in history. We are always aware of the billions of people alive on this planet. We are aware of our singular presence amongst that massive number. With widespread access to news and information 24/7, not only do we know what happens halfway across the world, we can see it in realtime. The suffering of someone is not some rumor. It’s not an urban legend or joke. We see it as if it happened right in front of us. It unfolds right in front of us in real-time. So we are not hearing about trauma and pain, we are feeling it. It can be overwhelming, and for some that overwhelming reality causes them to feel desensitized and detached. They step back and wonder why everyone is so emotional and so invested. They recall simpler times when people could “take a joke” or “weren’t so easily triggered”. The rest of the world is consumed by the massive task of caring. Caring not just about the people in their immediate circle, but caring for the people they don't know, who remind them of someone. Caring for the present, and the future. Caring for victims, and caring for people who could potentially suffer the same pain if we don’t act. #Triggered #Empathy

425 Likes | 1708 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#Repost @rolaofficial ・・・ 昨日はとてもショックをうけました。今ブラジルでは大規模な山火事が3週間続いています。なのにこの件はほとんどのメディアが取り上げていません。今ブラジルではもう80パーセント近くの森林が消えています。アマゾンの森林は地球の20パーセントの酸素を生み10パーセント近くの生き物が生息しています。毎日ニューヨークシティの大きさの森が地球から無くなっています。森が無くなることで地球温暖化はさらに加速し、これから様々な問題が発生します。私たちが何を食べるか、買うかで私たちの未来が決まります。みんなでこの事をリポストをしてシェアしましょう?? #PrayForAmazonia I am very shocked that the Brazilian forest has been burning for 3 weeks now and there has been very little media coverage on this devastation. Brazil’s forest, the largest forest in the world, provides 20% of the earth’s breathing capacity. Research shows that the Brazilian forest is home to 10% of the world’s species and it contains 4,000 different plants. Everyday a forest area, the size of New York City, is lost. The land is then used to produce items to meet human demands, such as livestock farms, Palm oil, etc . What we eat, buy or do is vital to our future environment. Please share with others about what is happening to our planet and what is happening to the Amazon Forest?

283 Likes | 1709 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#Repost @wildlifeplanet ・・・ The lungs of the Earth are in flames. ? The Brazilian Amazon (home to 1 million Indigenous people and 3 million species) has been burning for more than two weeks straight. There have been 74,000 fires in the Brazilian Amazon since the beginning of this year - a staggering 84% increase over the same period last year (National Institute for Space Research, Brazil). Scientists and conservationists attribute the accelerating deforestation to President Jair Bolsonaro, who issued an open invitation to loggers and farmers to clear the land after taking office in January.⁣ The largest rainforest in the world is a critical piece of the global climate solution. Without the Amazon, we cannot keep the Earth’s warming in check. The Amazon needs more than our prayers. So what can YOU do?⁣. 1. As an emergency response, donate to frontline Amazon groups working to defend the forest. Donate to one or all of these: @amazonfrontlines @rainforestalliance @amazonaid @amazonwatch @savingtheamazon @amazonconservationteam @wwf @rainforesttrust @rainforestactionnetwork - please comment with more! 2. Consider becoming a regular supporter of the Rainforest Alliance’s community forestry initiatives across the world’s most vulnerable tropical forests, including the Amazon; this approach is by far the most effective defense against deforestation and natural forest fires, but it requires deep, long-term collaboration between the communities and the public and private sectors. Link in bio.⁣ 3. Stay on top of this story and keep sharing posts, tagging news agencies and influencers. 4. Be a conscious consumer, taking care to support companies committed to responsible supply chains.⁣ Eliminate or reduce consumption of beef; cattle ranching is one of the primary drivers of Amazon deforestation. 5. When election time comes, VOTE for leaders who understand the urgency of our climate crisis and are willing to take bold action—including strong governance and forward-thinki

192 Likes | 1711 days ago | 3

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I don’t know why so many celebrities keep sharing this but needs to stop. Not to mention these types of fake posts come up often, the biggest problem is people not acknowledging how terms of use work. If the terms (that long list of rules and guidelines no one ever reads) stipulate something you don’t agree with unless there is an option to opt-out within the app or service, then your only other realistic option is to STOP USING THE SERVICE. Making some public display of disagreement will not allow you to just use a service any way you want. Regarding the claims of this little message itself, if you’re worried about what any service is doing with your information, click on the “terms” link and read it for yourself. They tell you exactly what information they take and how they use it. If you disagree with it, delete your account and go to another service. #StopTheMadness

341 Likes | 1714 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning! #新曲 #作業中 #作詞 書こうか〜???

379 Likes | 1726 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I’ve spent a year trying to better understand the world. I had hoped I would find new truths and clarity. In that aim, I failed. I understand this world far less than ever before. While the violence and cruelty of our time are not unprecedented, it is unique to our time. Despite all our resources, information, historical references, and assumed better knowledge, we continue to see a world that is filled with violence, hate, and cruelty. We should know better. We should do better. We know what the outcome of hideous violence is. We have seen the results of it. Today is marked by one of the worst incidents of unusually cruel, and unforgivable violence. Decades ago, there was the use of a weapon so inhumane, so damaging, and so lingering in its impact on the world, and yet we continue on, finding new ways to continue the cycle of senseless and unforgivable violence. Today it is not just about bombs. Not any more. Now we must look at all of the lives lost to senseless violence around the world and make a choice. Will we do better, or will we take another spin around the wheel? I hope we will choose peace, love, and understanding. I hope no more lives will be lost. No more tears shed, no more families torn apart. Our time is short, and I hope everyone gets to spend that time living it, instead of just suffering through it. #NoWar #NoViolence #NoMoreExcuses

239 Likes | 1741 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
みんなのスマホに保存されている写真何枚あるかな? #DigitalPhotoAlbum

463 Likes | 1746 days ago | 29

Chris Hart post on Instagram
? タイムトラベラー #faceapp

248 Likes | 1750 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
スピーカーが来た〜 So many options, so many recommendations, so many considerations. I’m a sucker for brand loyalty I suppose. Very happy with the results. @ikmultimedia #LoudMTM #YoudBeSurprised

271 Likes | 1760 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Excellent show! Maybe the first time I’ve ever heard a song I wrote sung by someone other than myself. An honor, and an unforgettable night. Incredible artists! @coreyhartofficial @paulyoungparlez @jeffmiyahara #Yukawareiko #YoungAtHeart #クリスハート #シンガーソングライター #APE

287 Likes | 1761 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Excellent! #Repost @coreyhartofficial ・・・ Sukkiri TV rehearsals in Tokyo ! So happy to be back in Japan first country to ever support my music - Arigato !! #Sukkiri #YoungAtHart #kyodo #ReikoMama #tour #osaka #tokyo ❤️☀️????

212 Likes | 1761 days ago | 2

Chris Hart post on Instagram
The internet is a fast place. Seems news of the change came a few hours ago. @kimkardashian thank you for reconsidering. I still think everyone should come to Japan. There is so much to experience and so much to learn. There is beauty here that I hope the rest of the world will truly see, and fall in love with. #Japan #ExperienceJapan #ItGotInMe #ItWillGetIntoYouToo

323 Likes | 1761 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#RePost #ExperienceJapan #CultureIsNotATrend @kimkardashian come out to Kyoto. See it’s beauty and love for tradition and you’ll gain some wonderful insights. The Mayor of Kyoto, @kadokawadaisaku seems to be ready to welcome you! “Ms. Kim Kardashian West Kimono Intimates, Inc. I am writing this letter to convey our thoughts on Kimono and ask you to re-consider your decision of using the name Kimono in your trademark. Kimono is a traditional ethnic dress fostered in our rich nature and history with our predecessors’ tireless endeavours and studies, and it is a culture that has been cherished and passed down with care in our living. Also, it is a fruit of craftsmanship and truly symbolizes sense of beauty, spirits and values of Japanese. In recent years, we see not only Japanese but also many foreign tourists wearing Kimono and strolling around in Kyoto and cities in Japan. It is a proof that Kimono, that we are proud of as our traditional culture, is loved by people from around the world. We are currently undertaking initiatives nationally to make “Kimono Culture”, symbol of our culture and spirits, registered to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. We think that the names for “Kimono” are the asset shared with all humanity who love Kimono and its culture therefore they should not be monopolized. I would like you to visit Kyoto, where many Japanese cultures including Kimono have been cherished, to experience the essence of Kimono Culture and understand our thoughts and our strong wish. Yours Sincerely, Daisaku Kadokawa Mayor of Kyoto”

390 Likes | 1764 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#料理タイム #レシピがないけど #WingingIt ? ?

285 Likes | 1765 days ago | 4

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I am very interested in the process of making virtual instruments. I need to work out more ideas, but making something is a goal for the future. #VirtualInstruments #APE #Sampling

281 Likes | 1767 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
These don’t make sense @aftershokz I always expected a trade off with bone conduction. Most of them are terrible, but it’s convenient to hear music and your surroundings at the same time. As a parent it’s a miracle, but also for working out and regular use. @aftershokz has always been the one to provide quality. I always expected a trade off though. You could only expect so much. Bass would never come through, or it would vibrate too much or always be a bit large in size. So how is it that aftershokz have done it again? How do you make it smaller, provide louder clearer sound with proper bass and barely any distracting vibration?? The Aeropex feel like listening to regular earbuds...but they’re not. I can hear cars passing by and people talking to me, or my kids shouting their heads off lol. I recommended the Aftershokz titanium as standard...then they came out with aftershokz that became the new standard...and well here we are again...Aeropex. The new standard for this technology. Shots fired, the bar is raised again. Color me impressed. #aftershokz #aeropex #boneconductionheadphones

360 Likes | 1776 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Back to work

345 Likes | 1781 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Thank you for all the messages about the news of my expanding family. Today I’m also proud to celebrate the release of “Young At Hart”, sung by Corey Hart and Paul Young on Corey’s new album “Dreaming Time Again”. It was an honor to co-write and co-produce this song with Jeff Miyahara and Reiko Yukawa. The song was brought to life by the incredible combined power of Corey Hart and Paul Young’s singing voices. I am grateful to Corey for allowing us the opportunity. The album is out today online, in music stores and on steaming services! #発売中 #配信中 来日公演: コリー・ハート&ポール・ヤング ライヴ・イン・ジャパン 2019~ヤング・アット・ハート~ <東京公演>7月2日(火)Bunkamuraオーチャード・ホール <大阪公演>7月3日(水)NHK 大阪ホール 招聘:キョードー東京インターナショナル @coreyhartofficial #dreamingtimeagain #CoreyHart #PaulYoung #YoungAtHart #湯川れい子 様 #ジェフミヤハラ 様 #クリスハート

1,567 Likes | 1781 days ago | 124

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ご報告。 今年の秋頃、家族が増える予定です。 結婚当初から、子どもは3人ほしいね、と夫婦で話していたので、家族みんな喜びでいっぱいです。 これからも応援よろしくお願いします。

305 Likes | 1790 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Another fine day in Tokyo #grateful #beautifultokyo

535 Likes | 1791 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
おかげさまで、ディカペラのみなさんは本当に日本のことが大好きになったよ! ラジオでヘビロテできるためにリクエストしてね! CDも発売中!配信中! 夏の全国ツアーチケットもあるよ〜 チェックチェックしてね!! Have you checked out Disney’s DCappella’s (@dcappellamusic)music yet? of course you have!! Just in case, make sure to check out their 5 Bonus Tracks for their album release. All 5 bonus tracks sung in a crazy mix of Japanese and English in a way only DCappella can do it! Proud to have been a part of this epic release with DCappella’s phenomenal team, and Japan-side Producer Jeff Miyahara. I stepped in this time as Japanese vocal coach and JP-ENG lyric arrangement. You’ve never heard anything like this before! Album is on sale, streaming, and blowing up the radio! Japan tour this summer! Check it out! #Disney #DCappella #ディカペラ #日本語ボーカルコーチ #クリスハート #welovejapan♥️??

607 Likes | 1797 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Cool to hear about @dcappellamusic doing a Koshigaya live show. Remembering back to my debut year and doing my first free live there. All the more surreal since just a year prior to that I used to go there for work to fix vending machines. #timeflies #laketown #越谷レイクタウン

324 Likes | 1806 days ago | 4

Chris Hart post on Instagram
先生、おめでとうございます!? #Repost @akane_voicelabo ・・・ 今日でVOICELABO17周年?❤️? . 原宿のあかねビル501でスタートしたVOICELABO。 . 長く長くお付き合いさせていただいているアーティストの皆さん、一番長くご一緒させていただいているのは青山テルマさん(テルマちゃん、ね?) @thelmaaoyama その次に長いお付き合いをいただいているのはシシドカフカさん? @shishido_kavka クラシックのシンガーもご一緒させていただいています。大好きなすずめ先生、里中トヨ子さん。 @chunchunpiton 女性ばかり得意?と思われるかもしれませんが、男性アーティストも沢山ご一緒していてクリス・ハートさん @chrishart_official 個性と心盛りだくさんのステージが本当に素晴らしいアーティスト、今年の全国ツアーが楽しみなTEEさん @tee1126tee それに、、、! 17年前とは音楽業界の変化は目まぐるしいのですが、事務所に所属せずに活躍の場を広げていくアーティストも登場。明日ワンマンを控えているHONEBONEのEMILY @emily_honebone ここに書いたアーティストはほんの一部の方ですが、お名前を挙げていくとキリのない、才能溢れる皆さんとの時間に感謝しています?✨✨? . 私は特定の事務所や会社に属していないので様々な皆さんと繋がりレッスンをさせていただいていますが、17年やってきて嬉しくありがたいのは、皆さんのご紹介で繋がるご縁でレッスンさせていただいていること。 そしてプロデューサーの皆さんや各事務所の皆さんからレッスンをお任せいただけるのが本当に嬉しいです。 スタッフの一員になってアーティストをサポートしたいと願っています??? . 音楽業界がどんなに変わっても、歌は生身の身体が奏でる変わらないもの。 . 技術はもちろんですが、皆さんに頼っていただけるよう、大切な人に紹介したい、一緒にいて心地よい人でありますように?? 私自身もビルドアップします? . これからもどうぞ、よろしくお願い致します?✨✨ . 2019.5.17 VOICELABO阿部あかね #voicelabo #ボイスビルダー阿部あかね #レッスン #声 #歌 #最強プログラム #alogic #感謝の日

571 Likes | 1809 days ago | 43

Chris Hart post on Instagram
If I was a girl ?? アプリで クリスティーナ・ハートになっちゃった! #Damn #Snapchat

263 Likes | 1810 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I thinks she’s on to something @we.are.roli #OnlyOnSeaboard #seaboard #lightpadblock

252 Likes | 1810 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Start them early lol i think she’s ready to score a cartoon @we.are.roli #OnlyOnSeaboard #seaboard #lightpadblock

271 Likes | 1810 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
For those times when my studio has to be as mobile as my daughter @we.are.roli #OnlyOnSeaboard #seaboard #lightpadblock

312 Likes | 1810 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram CDをチェックしてね! @dcappellamusic #ディズニー #dcappella #日本盤 #リリース #5月15日

422 Likes | 1811 days ago | 32

Chris Hart post on Instagram
懐かしい〜 #クリスハート #武道館 #ChrisHart #BudokanLive #続く道

408 Likes | 1812 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
日本語ヴォーカルコーチとして制作に参加せさせていただいたアルバムが5月15日リリースです! ディカペラ(DCappella)、ディズニー名曲歌うアカペラグループが日本デビュ #エンタメ #ディズニー #DCappella #5月15日リリース #日本盤 #ボーナストラック #日本語で歌うDCappella #ホールニューワールド #美女と野獣 #サークルオブライフ #アンダーザシー #サンクストゥユー #全国ツアーもあります #クリスハート #APE #Songwriting #Production

302 Likes | 1812 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
コリー・ハートとポール・ヤング、初のデュエットとなる共演曲がコリー・ハートの新作に収録されることに 作曲・作詞、共作で参加させていただきました! #CoreyHart #PaulYoung #DreamingTimeAgain #YoungAtHart #コリーハート #ポールヤング #日本ツアー #ヤングアットハート #ドリーミング・タイム・アゲイン #共作 #湯川れい子 様 #ジェフ・ミヤハラ 様 #クリスハート #APE #Songwriting #Production

381 Likes | 1816 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
time for work!

241 Likes | 1818 days ago | 4

Chris Hart post on Instagram
歌うラブポップ #Spotify #クリスハート #ILOVEYOU

268 Likes | 1819 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Let’s get it on! @8dioproductions #StudioSeries #IntimateStrings #SaxophoneTrio #IntimateBrass

470 Likes | 1823 days ago | 23

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#令和 #NewBeginning #6年目 #デビュー記念日 #たまたま同じ日になった #いつもありがとう

535 Likes | 1823 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
It’s the end of an era. Heisei ends and we welcome Reiwa. Easy to say that this era of entertainment and culture greatly influenced me. I hope in Reiwa, I’m reborn, with a renewed passion for the things I loved, and a fire that burns for new ideas, and new forms of expression. see you on the other side. #平成 #さよなら #令和 #GoodbyeToday #ハローハロー #BrandNewDays

444 Likes | 1825 days ago | 28

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Happy Anniversary

284 Likes | 1828 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
10 years of wonderful memories. Thank you to everyone who made this such a wonderful experience over the years. #Avengers #EndGame

271 Likes | 1828 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I watched all 21 mcu films over the infinity war one more time before the end of this 10 year journey. #Avengers #InfinityWar #EndGame #ThanksForTheAdventure

329 Likes | 1829 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Say Hey! 平成最後のプロデュース・作曲作詞・編曲仕事を終了しました! 令和リリース いろいろある〜 See you in Reiwa! #APE #クリスハート #ポールバラード #プロデュース #作曲 #作詞 #編曲 #NewMusic #令和

420 Likes | 1832 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Da-iCEさんの新シングルを聴いた〜!! やばいよ〜! 本当にかっこいい! #daice #fakemefakemeout #今週リリース #チェックしてね

489 Likes | 1834 days ago | 29

Chris Hart post on Instagram
This lovely young lady turns 5 this year! ? #MyBestFriend #ABoyAndHisDog

374 Likes | 1837 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@mayjamileh #平成ラブソングカバーズ #ILOVEYOU 編曲: A.P.E. (クリス・ハート、ポール・バラード) All Instruments/Programming by A.P.E. #発売中 #配信中 #カラオケおすすめ

323 Likes | 1837 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
We changing the game! #DadMug #ChordMessage

372 Likes | 1841 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
!!NEWS!! 川嶋あいさんの新アルバム「Ai x」に参加させて頂きました! 『For one's smile feat. クリス・ハート』 作曲: A.P.E (ポール・バラード、クリス・ハート) コーラス: クリス・ハート 今日から先行配信スタート!! i Tunes ▷ レコチョク ▷ Spotify ▷ LINE MUSIC ▷ ぜひ、お聴きください! #Aix #川嶋あい #APE #ポールバラード #クリスハート

268 Likes | 1842 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
!!NEWS!! カナダのフィルム「Viaticum」 A.P.E. (クリス・ハート&ポール・バラード)がスコア担当させて頂きました。 We’re very proud to have done the score for Viaticum! - A.P.E. (Chris Hart & Paul Ballard) #Viaticum #FilmScore #APE

474 Likes | 1843 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
!!NEWS!! 4月17日発売、May J.さんの新アルバム「平成ラブソングカバーズ supported by DAM」に収録されている「I LOVE YOU」(原曲: クリス・ハート)は作曲・プロデュースユニットA.P.E. (クリス・ハート&ポールバラード) がアレンジを担当させていただきました! #4月17日発売 #May J. @mayjamileh #平成ラブソングカバーズ #ILOVEYOU #クリスハート @chrishart_official #ポールバラード @_paulballard #APE #アレンジ担当

267 Likes | 1843 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
おぉ〜 行きたいな〜 #CoreyHart #PaulYoung #YoungAtHeart

482 Likes | 1848 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram

471 Likes | 1849 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Beautiful Kagoshima ?

273 Likes | 1851 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Thank you for the memories and the inspiration. これからもその思い出を大切にする〜 #ジャンヌダルク #PowerOfMusic

532 Likes | 1852 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
As we are about to enter into a new era I hope we find new hope New ambition Grand new ideas I hope we dream big Create more Achieve more I hope we exceed even our imagination #TheFuture #NewEra #Japan #令和 #REIWA

710 Likes | 1853 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
A new era begins #令和 #reiwa

287 Likes | 1853 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Time to have some fun! #BluegrassFiddle #CelticFiddle

369 Likes | 1854 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#ChrisHart #Dreams #BeADreamer

502 Likes | 1862 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
?❤️ @mayjamileh #平成ラブソングカバーズ #ILOVEYOU

313 Likes | 1869 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Had a great time! Go in with an open mind and a love for the fantastic! #Repost @danaigurira ・・・ I hope you all will RUN, not walk to theaters this weekend to see my girl @brielarson killing it as #CaptainMarvel! So happy for you girl!! ?

558 Likes | 1873 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Today is a day for quiet reflection. I can’t forget that day or the lives lost. We may never get over the tragedy, but the memories of that day and determination to create better days, I hope, will always give us strength.

364 Likes | 1876 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram

379 Likes | 1877 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
また鹿児島に行きたくなった〜 #myhometown #鹿児島

375 Likes | 1883 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Song done. Finishing the mix. これからはリラックスタイム! #APE #秘密のプロジェクト #楽しみにしてね @nurasound @we.are.roli @uaudio

942 Likes | 1891 days ago | 29

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Whoa throwback to 4 years ago ? w/ @samsmith #4年前 #StayWithMe #JapanPromotionalCover #クリスハート #msooja さん #chage さん

441 Likes | 1892 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
うん! 今夜はこれにしようか〜 #晩ご飯 #なんとなくヘルシー #野菜を忘れずに

488 Likes | 1898 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Time passes quickly. It’s been a tough time. Around this time 2 years ago, it was the last half of my 2nd 47 Prefecture Tour. My son had just turned one, and midway through the tour, I found out there was a hole in my eardrum. This would cause ringing in my ears during performances, and pain and discomfort during travel. I still had fun during the tour, but I wasn’t sure if it would heal. During the tour, I gained citizenship and found out my daughter would be born that year. My team gave me time to rest after the tour to take care of my health and family. From there I decided to plan for the future. I started my extended music studies and made difficult decisions. A lot has happened since then and we often don’t consider what’s really happening behind the camera and keyboard with social media. It all looks glamorous and happy, but we all are working hard each day and getting through hard times. It has been a rewarding 2 years and my ear has finally healed well. During this time I’ve returned to do songwriting, producing and film scores. It’s been great to spend time with my family and I look forward to the mystery that is the future. #Thinking #Past #Present #Future

512 Likes | 1900 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
News was out yesterday about @dcappellamusic coming to Japan. Thanks to @jeffmiyahara I was able to help a fantastic project. Working with Jeff, @kuraakihori and @dekesharon to bring new life to some of Japan’s favorite Disney songs was a total honor. You’ve never heard these songs done this way before and I can’t wait for you all to hear the results of talent and hard work from Dcappella! They don’t just sing in Japanese, they *SANG* y’all! Check out their album, their current American Tour and Upcoming Japan Album and Tour! You won’t want to miss it! #dcappella #disney #japan #produce

380 Likes | 1903 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Buttons and clicky things! Overkill? Probably, but lately I’m having fun trying something new. #studiodesk #upgrade

341 Likes | 1905 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
たまにこういうゲームもするよ〜 家族で楽しいー! #switch #justdance #fitnessboxing

377 Likes | 1905 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I spend a lot of time like this. With a latte and time to think about the future and the world we live in. There are so many things I want to do and I will start so many things this year. The future is always scary, but in my mind, the scary things are the things worth doing. #CafeTime #FoodForThought #JustaKidFromTheBayArea #NotYourAverageJpopSinger #DreamBig

531 Likes | 1906 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
???? 笑っちゃった #oreo #oreoreore

279 Likes | 1907 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Great for travel! Now just need something solid for studio use. @we.are.roli any places in Japan with showroom models of the RISE to try?

605 Likes | 1908 days ago | 40

Chris Hart post on Instagram
今日の誕生日パーティー! 今月息子が3歳になるんだ〜 もう3歳か まだ3歳か Dくんおめでとう! Love you, my little boy! I was blessed with a wonderful son. #BirthdayParty #お祝い #大人のタコスパーティー

357 Likes | 1908 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Music Time! #BigHead #AllTheTools #RetroSongs #Songwriting #MyWay #DidYouMissMe

378 Likes | 1913 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ROLI is the weapon of choice now. Have to think about a RISE next #roliseaboardblock @we.are.roli

327 Likes | 1914 days ago | 2

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I’ve not had the honor of meeting @jussiesmollett, but nonetheless, the news of the assault against him breaks my heart. This cannot continue. This cannot be allowed. The worst part is this is our fault. We have to take action and stand against hate in all its forms. He did not need to be a victim of a crime like this, but we’ve taken our time and made excuses and put off what should not be put off. Every day we delay, another person is beat, battered or killed because of ignorance and hate. I am sorry that this continues to happen. I stand with you in these hard times and I am committed to change. #endhate #Repost @michaelbjordan ・・・ Stand with my brother @jussiesmollett sending you light and love. Be strong ?? We got you

496 Likes | 1915 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
こどもの影響で、この番組ばっかりだ。。 まあ、いいけどね。。 頑張れ、トーマス! #kidstime

272 Likes | 1916 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#writing #awayfromthecomputer #ios

411 Likes | 1921 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Found out recently it’s just as easy to write music on an ipad as it is on desktop. Importing instruments takes time though ? #スタジオ作業

468 Likes | 1924 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
眠いけど 頑張ろう #EarlyMorning #Breakfast #Work #Kids

479 Likes | 1925 days ago | 31

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Flashback to the rock days.. I’ve had some rock song ideas lately もう一度ロックの曲を歌ってみたらどうかな #懐かしい

477 Likes | 1925 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Flashback to the time I was the beast lol #BeautyAndTheBeast #懐かしい

453 Likes | 1926 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#tbt #ThrowbackThursday #OnAFriday 2010年だったかな 懐かしいな

705 Likes | 1930 days ago | 30

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#AgeChallenge #10Years 2008~2018 24歳 ~ 34歳 Been a tough 10 years lol

646 Likes | 1932 days ago | 31

Chris Hart post on Instagram
3年前の景色 The view from the stage 3 years ago l 楽しかったな〜 #Singer #青春のグラフィティー #2016

292 Likes | 1937 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
New song New mixing method #mixbus32c

432 Likes | 1938 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram

547 Likes | 1942 days ago | 33

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Happy New Year! 今日からスタート! ヘルシーでいいかな 今年もよろしくお願いします! #あけましておめでとうございます

492 Likes | 1944 days ago | 24

Chris Hart post on Instagram
もう18年の終りか。。 明日は最後。。 今年から始まった 来年も続く 「New Beginning」 今年は初めての挑戦が多くて デビューしてから初共作曲 初ボーカルプロデュース 初海外のフィルム(映画)スコア 初海外アーティストプロデュース 初提供曲 まだ発表していないことが多いけど 来年から新しいクリスワールドを作って、みんなに見せたい。 来年もよろしくね

547 Likes | 1945 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ナオトさんのライブは素晴らしかった。歌いたくなる曲が多くて、インスピレーションになりました。みなさんと一緒に盛り上がったし、優しかった。隣のファン・インティライミさんからお菓子をくれました。 笑 うん、楽しかった! #ナオトインティライミライブ #ナゴヤドーム

563 Likes | 1946 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
おお〜楽しみだ ^_^ #ナオトインティライミ さん #ライブ

430 Likes | 1946 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
久しぶり。。 うん、久しぶりだよね。 #goodmorning ☀️☕️

375 Likes | 1947 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Rayflowerさんのツアーセミファイナル 最高でした! 本当に最高でした!! #rayflower #live

718 Likes | 1950 days ago | 25

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#ChristmasHearts #JapaneseMedley 息子がエンドレスでリピートしてる 嬉しいけど。。。 嬉しいけどね 笑 ずっとリピートしてる

462 Likes | 1950 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Happy Christmas Eve! ?

390 Likes | 1954 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Throwback Thursday on a Friday lol Some times before moving ahead, it’s nice to take a look back at where you’ve been. #2016 #ChrisHart #Budokan #Live #Soundcheck

324 Likes | 1956 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
友人の店に行かせていただきました!美味しかった〜 #お台場 #donatellos #ジェラート

591 Likes | 1956 days ago | 25

Chris Hart post on Instagram
あっという間の10年でした。 日本の生活を始まった日。 同じ景色。 同じような寒い日。 同じようなドキドキな気持ち。 また新しいスタート。 いろいろありがとう。 これからもよろしくね〜 #10years #japanlife #newbeginnings #anniversary #tokyo #thankyou

268 Likes | 1957 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
新しいツールをGET! パソコンのショートカットを作れるから、超便利! #elgato #streamdeck #studiogear

273 Likes | 1959 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
おお〜 やろうか〜 #judgeeyes死神の遺言 #ps4 ??

287 Likes | 1959 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@nurasound has made my favorite headphones. Hands down, the best headphones I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. The cost is up there but it’s worth it. Having the connectivity options you need from USB-A, USB-C, lightning connector and analog cables make it versatile. I use it for songwriting, mixing and just casual listening. What surprised me recently was the noise cancelling. While not advertised as a noise cancelling headphone, my recent 10 hour flight was super quiet because of these headphones. If you want to rediscover your old music and a new world of sound, check them out! #nuraphone #headphones #notsponsoredbutiwishitwas ? ?

433 Likes | 1960 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good to be back home! ??

369 Likes | 1962 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
なるほど。。。 肉じゃない肉で作られた インポシブルバーガー なるほど 美味しい?

344 Likes | 1962 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning California. Lots of good work done, but almost time to go back home. See you again sometime. #????

308 Likes | 1964 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Hard at work! 仕事に夢中! ??????

499 Likes | 1965 days ago | 21

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Hello Los Angeles! #innoutburger ???

608 Likes | 1965 days ago | 21

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Off to ride in a fantastic voyage! Love my family, friends and fans! see you on the other side #traveling #whilejapanese #national #海外

300 Likes | 1968 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#ソングライティング #iPad #APE #モバイルスタジオ #海外出張の準備

291 Likes | 1970 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Tech thoughts: While there are plenty of tablet/laptop hybrids out there, I’ve been in the apple ecosystem for a decade and it works for me. Recent talks ask, can the iPad be a laptop replacement? It depends on what you use a laptop for. For me, in my needs as technician before my debut and after my debut, my iPad was my laptop. It’s done more than I expected it to, but it takes customization for your needs. My biggest recommendation is pick up the Kingston mobile lite g2, g3 or pro. It’s a wireless hub/SD card reader that allows you to attach USB drives. These can be accessed from your iPad/iphone via a local network created on the device. Next, pick up the app Documents from the developer Readdle. It’s the closest thing to finder on the iPad, and it allows you to access networked drives. This solves the external drive problem most people have. These are my recommendations but there are of course tons of alternatives. #techtalk #ipad #laptopreplacement

268 Likes | 1970 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
また新しい挑戦〜??? A.P.E. challenging some new things. #StayTuned #MusicMen #APE

402 Likes | 1970 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
適当に作ったラテですが。。 角度によって、トトロに見える 笑 #違うかな☕️

383 Likes | 1971 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Hi! #クリスハート #栗太郎 #zepeto

351 Likes | 1973 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
最近忙しすぎる〜 これからはミキシングする〜 コーヒー飲もうかな? 笑 ☕️ みんなは最近何を聴いてるかな〜

370 Likes | 1977 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
40時間かかった Sous Vide ロース やわらかくて おいしい うん とてもおいしい?? #SousVide #Roast #40hours

426 Likes | 1979 days ago | 23

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning!!! 昨日の作業が遅くなった。。。 もうううう眠い〜〜けど! 今日の作ったラテはこれです! ☕️☀️

314 Likes | 1979 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
作業中 ????

409 Likes | 1981 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
なんか。。。 ラテを飲むより 作るのが好き 笑 落ち着くよな 次はTea Latteをやってみようかな

480 Likes | 1981 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning insta-peoples 今日は音楽のスペシャルプロジェクトがあるので、朝からパワーアップ!!!???☕️??

425 Likes | 1981 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
今日のカフェタイム〜 ラッテ&ハニーバタートースト みんなは元気していますか〜? ☕️??

322 Likes | 1983 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Some times you encounter things that remind you why you fell in love with music once upon a time... with these two around the future of music is shining #PeterCollins #AbbeySmith #EndlessRepeat

279 Likes | 1984 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
let’s get it on #vocalstuff

483 Likes | 1984 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#GoodbyeToday #今日も1日よく頑張った #さあ #おやすみ

196 Likes | 1985 days ago | 3

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@winstoncduke dropping some truth this morning. For us all to prosper we must recognize, encourage, and respect the potential and real contributions of every person. We must share the burden, and equally contribute to change our world. I have high hopes that we can get to a point of true equality for everyone. #Repost @winstoncduke with @get_repost ・・・ In order to build a more just world, gender equality is a necessity. It means an inalienable right to freedom for all, through opportunities and outcomes that don’t belong to any one gender. Join the movement for equality at #HeForShe #InternationalMensDay #equality #equity #socialjustice

488 Likes | 1986 days ago | 21

Chris Hart post on Instagram
おはようございます!☀☕️ Good Morning! #homemade #goodmorning #NewDay

462 Likes | 1987 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I never thought I’d be the strict parent....but...girl you better finish all your broccoli! #DadStuff #EatYourVegetables ???

399 Likes | 1988 days ago | 29

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Thank you! おかげさまで10位になったね! I LOVE YOUを歌ってくれてありがとう!

254 Likes | 1990 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Wisdom and an important reminder from Mr. Lee

465 Likes | 1991 days ago | 25

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#Goodmorning! #HowAreYou ? #元気していますか

238 Likes | 1992 days ago | 4

Chris Hart post on Instagram
People from many different walks of life are honoring the life of a man who helped champion champions. I used to watch old marvel movies and cartoons, and Stan’s voice was the constant energetic narration that introduced you to the world. I would read the collection of comics my dad had, and we went to conventions together. It was a special bond I had with my dad that is due to the work of folks in the comic industry. It’s cherish that and even over the past decade, I’ve watched the marvel cinematic universe alone, here in Japan because the memories mean so much. The world lost Stan Lee, but I hope more of us can be like Marvel’s Stan Lee. The guy who jumped into the stories and encouraged us to be engaged, be inspired and stay tuned for the next adventure. Rest In Peace. #stanlee #excelsior

358 Likes | 1995 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
最近忙しくて 疲れが溜まってて どうしようかなと思ったら 友人の紹介でスパに行きました! 初スパだよ! 最近のストレスだけじゃなくて、 生まれた日から溜まったストレスも 全てなくなった感じでリフレッシュできた! 久しぶりにぐっすり寝ちゃった。笑 オススメです! だからね、ストレスだけじゃなくて、 肌も綺麗になった 笑 若くなれるかな〜 #waspa #ginza

277 Likes | 1997 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@diana.garnet_tonkhai Thank You for the Music! #ニューリリース ????

226 Likes | 2000 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
???? #Repost @anthonyanderson with @get_repost ・・・ Exactly! #justakidfromcompton

243 Likes | 2000 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
A lot of hard work went into an incredible achievement in gaming and storytelling. Very impressed and very satisfied. #reddeadredemption2 @rockstargames

483 Likes | 2004 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
自由だな。。。 #BabyGirl #DinnerTime #Freestyle #AllHands ???

401 Likes | 2009 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Remember the past fondly. Move boldly toward the future. Who knows what the future has in store?

358 Likes | 2009 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
面白くて、いい店だな! Great memories of metal #メタルめし ☠️??

369 Likes | 2010 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@msoojafaith OOJAさん、リリース&誕生日おめでとう! 最高なビルボードライブでした!! #msooja #stories

474 Likes | 2014 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@ayaka_hirahara_official 最高でした!! Congratulations on 15 years! You’re an incredible multitalented artist! #平原綾香 さん #15thanniversarytour

333 Likes | 2016 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
昨日のZEPP TOKYOライブは楽しかったな!久々のロックライブでMUD FRIENDSというイベントのWaiveさん、ムックさん、Psycho le Cémuさんはね、 昔から僕はよく聴いてたバンドが揃っていた最高なライブでした。 素晴らしかった。ボーカル練習のために僕がよく歌ったWaiveさんの「いつか」、ハードロックバンド時代のライブで歌ったムックさんの「絶望」とギター練習したPsycho le Cémuさんの「聖~excalibur~剣」。思い出の曲沢山あって本当に楽しかった〜 #ミニMyHistory I went to see a packed show last night that reminded me of my days in rock music. We had some great shows back then, but over my time doing music sometimes you don’t have shows go as expected. I remember a time where a poorly promoted event resulted in only 2 people coming to our show. After that I decided to be more careful. Booking shows is hard. The show last night was so great. There is a lot of talk lately about this topic. It’s hard for people to understand. Even if only 2 people show up, an artist wants to do their best. However both the audience and the fan know that only 2 people showed up and it creates an odd tension. It’s like reserving a table at a restaurant. You wouldn’t book a table for 30 people if only 3 people were going to show up. Having such a large table and paying for a large table, when something more suitable for 3 people would have been better, will obviously make for a strange evening. Live shows are like this. When you book the right space for the right number of people, everyone can have a better time. If you don’t, both the artist and the fans suffer. This was a lesson I took with me to help get new shows over the years and to eventually meet new fans. Every artist wants to give their best for their fans. To do so takes a lot of work from a lot of people. When you find that team and everyone works together, great things happen.

386 Likes | 2019 days ago | 23

Chris Hart post on Instagram
娘がやっと寝た瞬間。。。 #babygirl #久々お留守番

577 Likes | 2024 days ago | 23

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#MyHistory #Part3 It was about this time 10 years ago that I began my preparation for my relocation to Japan. Something I had worked on for 10 years finally came around, and I got the chance to work in Japan. It wasn’t necessarily how I imagined I would get here, but a chance is a chance. I stopped band activities, packed up my equipment, and sold off everything I wasn’t taking with me. I didn’t even consider what I would do if I ever needed to go back to the states because, in my mind, it was absolutely a one-way trip. I closed my bank accounts, sold my car, and went to start a new life. It is hard to describe what it means to start life over in a new country as a young adult. I was 24, and still adjusting to adult life. While navigating adult life, I also now had to adjust to the new culture, language, and situations. I worked for a company that specialized in automated retail. As soon as I got to Japan, I then had to start traveling around Japan to install and tend to various machines. Learning all these technical terms in Japanese, and continuing music at the same time while traveling the country every week was hard. You don’t really notice how lonely things can be until everyone you know is an ocean away, and no one is there to help you figure out the new things that come up. Within a year of moving here, I found opportunities to sing. After appearing on a TV show on Tokyo MX, I met an incredible Vocal Teacher who became an incredible source of support. I knew I wanted to take on whatever came up, so despite my anxiety over being a solo artist in Japan, I practiced music by putting videos up on Youtube and began performing at various live houses each month in between my busy work schedule. There were many days where I’d work for 24 hours, traveling and repairing machines, then come back to Tokyo to do rehearsals and live shows. Plenty of times I pushed myself beyond my limits, and felt like quitting, but the momentum did its thing and more opportunities came.

500 Likes | 2026 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#RIP Damond “Rei” I don’t even remember how we met, but it was just as I started my first bands some 15 years ago. We stay connected and talked about metal music, Japan and band troubles. You were a friend that opened my eyes to the wrongs in the world. You showed me what it was like to feel a responsibility for a world that often times isn’t kind to people. You were a champion for others no matter what troubles went on in your world. He loved metal music, loved Japan, had dreams goals, and lots of love. He is gone too soon. I still can’t process the loss of someone who in many ways felt like family. I wish the world as a whole got a chance to know him the way I and his other friends and family did. You may not know it world, but we just lost one of the greatest people to bless this planet with their presence and love. Rest easy brother, you’re finally home.

568 Likes | 2030 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
BRAVO!! ???? #ナオトインティライミ #武道館

314 Likes | 2032 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Hi Instagram! #クリスハート #ChrisHart #official #APE #shenanigans

311 Likes | 2032 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
パソコンのドライブ整理タイム!!???? #55Terabytes #redundancy #MusicLibraries #datamaintenance #akitio #SSD #RAID

312 Likes | 2033 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
During the hard times leading up to now, when I wasn’t sure where I was going next, it always helped to look back to see how far I’ve come. Over the last few years, I decided to try and get an idea of the greater distance my blood had traveled in order for me to be here, and by extension my son and daughter. Thanks to @africanancestry I have the largest part of my puzzle complete. Africa is no longer a vague mass of land where unknown ancestors came from. In a more clear sense, I know where the origins of my story are. I know better now, how far I’ve come, as I continue to look forward toward where I’m going. #MyHistory #AfricanAncestry #PartOfTheStory #Mali #Ghana

286 Likes | 2034 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Working at these hours... so sleepy ?

341 Likes | 2035 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
風がすごいな〜 ?⛈???

477 Likes | 2036 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
おはよう! この子と早く散歩しようかな。。。 無理かな。。。 #ライスちゃんと???? #台風が来る #気をつけてね

394 Likes | 2037 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Sleepy..... #台風も来てるね #気をつけてね

232 Likes | 2038 days ago | 1

Chris Hart post on Instagram
This is an issue that does not care about race, age or borders. We have the power to stop it, but we must recognize that we also have the obligation to stop it. It doesn’t matter if we know victims personally or not, when it happens to anyone it is a serious crime and a danger to everyone. We need to not only believe victims but we also need to stand by them, support them, and help them heal where we can. #Repost @annehathaway ・・・ I wish Dr. Ford so much peace in her bravery. #believesurvivors #wearehere #weareher #ibelievechristinelaseyford #metoo #timesup

285 Likes | 2038 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#WhatAreYouListeningTo #何を聴いてるでしょうか #Homecomings

489 Likes | 2038 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Time to have some fun! #memoji #栗太郎

324 Likes | 2039 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
やっと終わった〜〜??? #filmscore #musicteam #APE

316 Likes | 2044 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
scoring film takes a whole different set of tools and mindset compared to pop music. always fun to play around #film #tools #touche #roli #nuraphones #razer #nativeinstruments

285 Likes | 2044 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
買ってよかった! 本当に助かる! #tile

314 Likes | 2048 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
The nature of social media and entertainment requires people to be more appealing, entertaining and marketable than ever before. As young people growing in this circumstance, you and others may come to treat yourselves as products to be sold, promoted and exploited. We are people. No matter how much pressure you feel, remember you were always a person long before expectations turned you into a product. The most valuable thing you contribute to this world is “You”. Your individuality, your vision, your voice. Never lose your value as a person. You’re far more valuable as a person than you are as a product. #KnowYourWorth

555 Likes | 2049 days ago | 21

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#myhistory #part2 18 years ago, at age 16 I graduated high school and began my journey to get to japan. Music was one way I thought I might be able to get to japan. It is hard to live in a new country. I did not get a college degree, so I needed nearly 10 years of relevant job experience to qualify for a visa in japan. I had no idea how, I just figured I’d do whatever could get me closer. I worked at a supermarket, electronics store, home improvement store, worked on private jets at San Francisco’s international airport, I worked for DHC USA, worked for SFPD, and finally worked as a technician for vending machines. This work experience eventually allowed me to get a job in Japan and start my new life. It’s impossible to know what life has in store for you. People often said my goals were impossible, but I was too hardheaded to quit. I don’t believe in the cliche saying “just believe in yourself and your dreams will come true.” I didn’t always have confidence in my dream. I didn’t always think I’d make it. I found that faith in the unknown was what got me through. Faith that unknown possibilities could somehow fill in the gaps and I would adjust and get closer to my vision. If you have a dream, just do anything. Keep moving and growing and changing with your circumstances. It may not work out, but your experience will give you new opportunities.

420 Likes | 2052 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#MyHistory #Part1 I started my musical journey in 2003. 15 years ago as a clueless kid with a crazy dream to get to japan via music. I taught myself guitar and learned to write my own music. I joined some bands and did shows. I always sang in Japanese, which is difficult to do as regularly as I did in an English speaking country. I put together showcase lives and opened for Japanese bands touring the states. I had no idea where these small efforts would take me.

506 Likes | 2060 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Natural disasters are common in Japan and are becoming more common and powerful around the world. At times like this being aware and compassionate is most necessary. Please pray for those in the affected areas. #PrayforKansai #PrayforHokkaido #PrayforJapan #SendLove

184 Likes | 2061 days ago | 1

Chris Hart post on Instagram
A person is lucky when they can make a living in the business of entertainment, and very lucky if they can maintain it for their entire lifetime, but that is rare. Entertainment is a passion for many who participate in it and more often than not people give more than they receive. Whether it’s money, or privacy, or freedom, entertainers give so much for the sake of expressing themselves and entertaining people. I have nothing but respect for Geoffrey Owens. I am proud of the jobs I had before becoming a professional artists. There is as much satisfaction in those jobs as I have for my current career. Respect to everyone working to make a living and enjoy their lives. #Repost @malcolmjamalwar ・・・ Repost @angelaegibbs Brother Owens’ response. By the way? OWENS IS A YALE DRAMA grad!! AMEN AND AMEN. #Repost @carlgilliard @imericacampbell with @get_repost ・・・ Here’s #GeoffreyOwens response “I had been a working actor for years. Jobs stopped. As they do for an actor. I got a job at a flower shop. My agent (ha!) came in and said “what are you doing here?” I asked the same of him. What am I doing here? I was grateful for the work. It’s always about the work. Work gives you pride and purpose. No matter where or what you do. Your visibility as an actor never goes away. But the money sure does.” Also He can’t have access to residuals bc his show has been pulled and we know why! So Whoever posted this initially ...You’re a dick! However thank you for putting this good and honest brother on everyone’s radar. A tsunami of encouragement, respect and job offers are the result of your shitty shaming. #geoffreyowens Also Trader Joe’s rules.

436 Likes | 2062 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
平和な世界 イジメのない世界 綺麗な世界 夢を見てるようだけど、 子どもたちのために なんとかしなきゃと思いながらも、 大人の世界でイジメが消えない限り、子ども同士のイジメはいつまでも無くならないと思う。 SNS、職場、メディアなど、、、そこら中でいじめが繰り広げられている。 #ストップいじめ #どうすればいい

376 Likes | 2064 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
仕事の時間 子供と遊ぶ ワンチャンと散歩 妻とデートの時間 毎日、時間のバラナスが大変だけど、思い出を作る事が大事だね。 みんなの最近の楽しい事か 特別な思い出がある?

375 Likes | 2064 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
More songwriting to do #作曲タイム

687 Likes | 2064 days ago | 43

Chris Hart post on Instagram
「It’s my Happiness You’re my Happiness 幸せな気持ちを世界に広げよう It’s my Happiness You’re my Happiness 心を重ねて だってWe are family 泣きたくなる そんな日もある だけど僕らはみんな一緒さ 悲しい時はみんなで泣いて 嬉しい時はみんなで笑おう It’s my Happiness You’re my Happiness 一緒にいればそれだけで楽しいのさ It’s my Happiness You’re my Happiness 手と手をつなごう だってWe are family」 この曲を制作した時、famのみんなに大切なメッセージを伝えたかった。 全国回って、直接famのみんなの前に歌ったり踊ったりして、そのメッセージを伝えられたかなと思いましたが、本当はうまく伝えられなかったかも。 「みんなが大切だよ」 そのメッセージがちゃんとみんなに届けてなかった事って本当に悲しい。 数年前でもSNSを休んだ事もあったけど、それって休業中の間にはまたやりたくないな。 とりあえず相変わらず僕はみんなのメッセージをもちろん読みますが、返事する事ができません。何か勘違いがないように、そして嫌な気持ちにさせたくないから、そのルールをいつも通り守らなきゃいけない。 僕には 本当に! みんなは大切なfamだよ! 今でも僕の事を応援してくれて 本当に感謝しています。 いつかまたfamという家族で仲良く、元気で一緒に歌える日まで頑張ります。 #WeAreFamily #みんなは一緒さ #仲良しでね #SNSを楽しもう

288 Likes | 2064 days ago | 2

Chris Hart post on Instagram
“You listen to me. You say you don't want to tell me how to live my life. So what do you think you've been doing? You tell me what rights I've got or haven't got, and what I owe to you for what you've done for me. Let me tell you something. I owe you nothing! If you carried that bag a million miles, you did what you're supposed to do! Because you brought me into this world. And from that day you owed me everything you could ever do for me like I will owe my son if I ever have another. But you don't own me! You can't tell me when or where I'm out of line, or try to get me to live my life according to your rules. You don't even know what I am, Dad, you don't know who I am. You don't know how I feel, what I think. And if I tried to explain it the rest of your life you will never understand. You are 30 years older than I am. You and your whole lousy generation believes the way it was for you is the way it's got to be. And not until your whole generation has lain down and died will the dead weight of you be off our backs! You understand, you've got to get off my back!” -from Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner- This quote impressed me when I first saw the movie in my 20s. Now at 34 and a father of two, this saying has more significant meaning to me. The biggest flaw we have is that as we age, we become defiant toward change. We come to believe that the world has always been as we have experienced it and that it should forever be the way we remember it. We burden future generations with our selfishness and the weight of our self-importance. I do not want to put that weight on my children. The world has always changed and will continue to change, and it should change. I look forward to the creativity and discoveries that await the next generations of young dreamers. #招かれざる客 #GuessWhosComingToDinner

454 Likes | 2065 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
新しいプロジェクトの作業が長くて、大変だけど、よくなりそう! 今日も頑張ります! みんなは元気していますか??

350 Likes | 2068 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
あんまりアニメを観ないタイプだけど、ネットフリックスで観た「ヴァイオレット・エヴァガーデン」は良かったな〜。感動したな。 #ヴァイオレットエヴァーガーデン #netflix

542 Likes | 2069 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
雷で大パニック中のライスちゃん。。。 可哀想。。。 お風呂が安心みたいで、一緒にいてあげようか。。

223 Likes | 2070 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
おお〜これを観ようか! #netflix #cosmosaspacetimeodyssey #neildegrassetyson

258 Likes | 2070 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
最近Netflixでいろんな面白い番組を観てた。歴史、ドラマ、ドキュメンタリーとかいろいろあって、いい勉強になる。今回は世界のタトゥー歴史とか違いの話。 んん、勉強になる。 次は日本の歴史のドキュメンタリーを観ようか〜 #Netflix #Explained #おススメの番組があれば #教えてください

486 Likes | 2070 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ごめんね!まだストーリーを更新できなくて (~_~;) たくさんの誕生日お祝いメッセージをくれてありがとう!!ゆっくり過ごせました! 今日は初めてこども二人の朝ごはんを作ったんだ。(ライスちゃんのご飯もあるね 笑) うん。。。お母さん!毎日大変だね! #ママ達はすごい #34歳の栗太郎 #ここからスタート #今日も暑いね #いい一日を

777 Likes | 2071 days ago | 97

Chris Hart post on Instagram
34 today! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Let’s get this party started!

386 Likes | 2075 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
最高でした!! やっと見れた〜 #プロレスリングマスターズ #武藤敬司さん #ありがとうございました ????

395 Likes | 2076 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Time to relax!!!? #三遊亭とむ さんから #いただきました #とむ茶

416 Likes | 2079 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
素晴らしかった ♪( ´θ`)ノ #松田聖子 さん #日本武道館 #merrygoround

231 Likes | 2080 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Balancing a 50 piece orchestra is a headache and a half....?????? #musicstuff

310 Likes | 2081 days ago | 3

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Aretha Franklin She has been a light in the darkness for so many around the world, and I am forever grateful for all she gave us, and the things she gave up to be our Queen of Soul. You are loved, you are appreciated. Thank you for everything. #arethafranklin #love #queenofsoul

562 Likes | 2083 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ああ〜楽しかった!!?感謝感謝 #Repost @kaorukurosawa_lovelife ・・・ 今日のメンバー神。 #tonight #party #enjoyed #music #soul #rb #singer #lovelife #instamania #instamood #instaholic

547 Likes | 2084 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
最高でした!!! #backnumber さん #staywithyou #東京ドーム

307 Likes | 2085 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Next song #songwriting #NewGenre ?????

234 Likes | 2087 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@aishadayo リリースおめでとう!!! ??????? Show em how it’s done girl! みんな買ってね! #blasian #hotfiyah #new music #lovesick #aisha

359 Likes | 2091 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Today I reflect on “Peace”. I’ve spent most of the past few months, studying, working and contemplating. I’ve been trying to make sense of a world that doesn’t make sense. For all the beauty we have in this world, there are such horrible things that manage to linger on as well. I feel like we should already be better, but wanting is not the same as doing. So today, thinking about peace, equality, love, respect, and a better future is not enough for me. We must commit ourselves to the actions that create peace. From the little things like being nice to the people around you to the big things like holding the world to a standard of peace. There is no simple solution or an easy way. If we want peace, we must make it. It’s not just prayer and hope. It’s a shared commitment. Let’s bring peace to the world. #NeverForgotten

399 Likes | 2091 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
SO HOT!!! みんなは大丈夫? ??????

487 Likes | 2094 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning!!!!!!!?

494 Likes | 2095 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
いただきます! 上:大人のつまみ 下: 息子の即席チャーハン #dinnertime?

505 Likes | 2097 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning!

315 Likes | 2100 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I hate when something new comes out and you have to decide if the new one is better or just different lol 新しいリバーブソフトをダウンロードしたら、結構大変な事になった。。。 どっちがいいかな。。。。 #orchestration #reverb #eastwestspacesii #altiverb7 ?

273 Likes | 2103 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
?今日も作業中〜 #orchestra #altiverb7 #goodstuff

438 Likes | 2104 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
恋愛話し合いシリーズをしようかな ツイッター、FB、インスタで 男性が女性にききたい事 女性が男性にききたい事 恋愛悩み、経験、相談とか いろいろみんなで話できれば、どうかな? 参加する人がいるかな まあ、ただクリスに相談する事じゃなくて、みんなで参加する事ですよ! いかがでしょうか? #恋愛シリーズ

601 Likes | 2105 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
最近I LOVE YOUのカバーが多くて、本当にびっくりしました。また新しいチャレンジしたい方にオススメしたい〜。 オリジナルアルバム 「Song for You II」に入ってる一発でレコーディングした「I LOVE YOU - Studio Live ver.」続編曲「Still Loving You」も聴いてみて、チャレンジしてください! 僕にはデビュー前でレコーディングしたI LOVE YOUよりさらに難しくなったStudioバージョンとStill Loving Youもいい練習になった〜

690 Likes | 2106 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
You were laid to rest. I’m beyond shocked. I’m beyond sadness. It was an honor to perform with such a wonderful athlete and performer. #RIP #DenisTen

357 Likes | 2106 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Time to read! @takeshi__tsuruno #バカだけど日本のこと考えてみました

611 Likes | 2107 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
噛まれた 笑 もう歯がこんなに出て来たんだ。。。 早いな〜 #babyteeth ??

423 Likes | 2108 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Today’s lunch ?

202 Likes | 2108 days ago | 3

Chris Hart post on Instagram
? #hannahgadsby #nanette #netflix

168 Likes | 2108 days ago | 2

Chris Hart post on Instagram
A great special to watch that is so relatable for various people in life. Bravo! ???????? #hannahgadsby #nanette #netflix 最近Netflixで観たコメディスペシャルなのに 笑いながら感動した。。?

366 Likes | 2109 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#ThrowbackThursday #TBT Budokan concert in between my first and second 47 prefecture hall tours. Crazy number of songs. crazy preparation. My family came to see the show. My 2 month old son was hospitalized a few days prior. So many things happened but it was a long time goal to play budokan. I am grateful for everyone who came to see the show and all my tours. I have spent 9 years traveling this country between two professions. If there is anything I would like to say to people, it’s “come to japan!” It’s a beautiful country with so much to see. There are so many experiences to have. Come before the Olympics! Come for the olympics! Come back after the Olympics! Every time will be a new experience! #cometojapan

216 Likes | 2109 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Beautiful We should take care of each other. #kindnessiseverything

642 Likes | 2109 days ago | 29

Chris Hart post on Instagram
There are so many things I want to do. Instead of just talk about change, I want to eventually act on it and make things better for people. Who knows? Maybe I’ll become a politician. How about that!? #LookingTowardTheFuture #TheyCallMeMrHart #BeTheChange

356 Likes | 2109 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
楽しみだな〜 1996年、お姉さんとミッション:インポッシブルシリーズを始めて観た。あれから22年が経ったんだ。 それはすごいな。。 My sister loved the old mission impossible tv shows, so when this movie series came out in 1996 I remember how excited we were to see it. I have to say I respect Tom Cruise for doing this series for 22 years and continually challenging new things. #missionimpossible

261 Likes | 2109 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Solidarity and a snazzy design lol win-win ? #applewatch #watchface #standtogether

350 Likes | 2110 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Time to party like it’s....2014..? #wine #music ? ?

312 Likes | 2114 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Making a template for orchestral arrangements is stupid time consuming, but luckily it only need be done once. Always something interesting to do during the late hours of the night. #composing #fullorchestra #vst ???

295 Likes | 2115 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I've been on a journey to trace my family roots lately. Through DNA testing and hunting down tons of documentation over the span of 200+ years I've had mixed results. There is a significant European presence in my DNA for obvious reasons, and that side of my history is easy to trace. The African side is much harder to track due to a lack of documentation from before the mid to late 1800s. History paints a difficult reality. One that shows up in documents like this one that was shared online by someone else. A rejection letter from 1959 on the basis of race. Between this letter and the civil rights act of 1964, my parents were born. So in many ways, it reminds me of how recently things have changed, and how much has not changed. I consider myself and my family a very lucky example of growth over the years, but I would never say we are an example of the norm. I grew up in California, not the south. My parents had a college education. I am lucky, and more than anything else grateful for the people who overcame so much for me to be here, and by extension, for my children to be here as well. My goals now are to learn from the past. The good and the bad, and stop our cycle of repeating old mistakes. For my children, I hope we see a world of equality, opportunity, and respect for everyone. #roots #grateful #historyiscomplicated

280 Likes | 2118 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
I’ve always loved film scores. There’s a freedom of expression that is unique to film scores. Making stuff like this reminds me of when I first started music as a kid. #filmscore #classical #songwriting

287 Likes | 2119 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Today’s weather Good Morning? #天気予報アプリ #carrot5weather

679 Likes | 2119 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends and fans of this young man. Cancer is cruel, and I hope we can find a way to finally put an end to it soon. #中尾翔太 さん #restinpeace

583 Likes | 2120 days ago | 36

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Happy birthday to my children’s best friend! They love her. She looks over them, makes them laugh and gives them loads of kisses to make them feel better. She was our introduction into parenting, and she’s brought nothing but joy to our family. Happy 4th Birthday! #aboyandhisdog?

367 Likes | 2121 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Kid is asleep. Back to the grind...??? @nurasound @apple @nativeinstruments #songwriting #latenight

456 Likes | 2122 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Lunch time, little man! #KidsMeal #Curry #EatYourVegetables #MySon

428 Likes | 2122 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Those times when your kids take long naps and you don't know what to do with all the free time...?

329 Likes | 2124 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
WAKODO FOREVAAAAA!! #DadTime #DadJokes #EarnedIt #KidsFood ??‍♂️✊??

450 Likes | 2124 days ago | 27

Chris Hart post on Instagram
コーヒーを飲みながら 話し合って、 子供と遊んで、 お付き合いが始まった日から丸7年のお祝い ☕️❤️?????????

342 Likes | 2125 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning little girl #ABoyAndHisDog ??‍♂️?

461 Likes | 2125 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
白いトウモロコシ 甘いいいいいいいい〜? #summertime

753 Likes | 2126 days ago | 25

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning Japan! ?? ☀️

290 Likes | 2127 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
@katrinavelarde24 上手ッ! 笑 そっくりだ

630 Likes | 2127 days ago | 26

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Parenthood: For about a year now, I have dedicated myself to a much slower work schedule, for the sake of a sort of paternity leave. My son is almost 2 and half years old, and my daughter is 9 months old. When my son was born I was beginning the second half of a full 47 prefecture tour. To speak honestly, my time with my son was limited. When I found out we were going to have a second child, I knew I could not help raise a child nor do my work to the best of my abilities. So I chose to put the well being of my family first. In my situation, my family is an ocean away, and my wife’s family cannot be here 100% of the time to help us. My wife can only realistically do so much on her own. So I am on partial paternity leave while also focusing on other forms of work that allow me to work from home for the time being. It is hard. With two of us at home, it is still hard. With me doing work from home, it’s still hard. My daughter has needs far different from my son’s. Maintaining balance and face time with both children and the dog is hard. Finding time to work and study is hard. Ideally it takes more than 1 parent to raise children, and at the most ideal, it takes an entire family to raise them. I’m lucky that I can choose to take this time off, but I understand that’s not the case with everyone else. Just because it’s not the case does not mean it shouldn’t be. I believe both parents and children benefit from as much time together as possible during the first 6-12 months after a child is born. Particularly in the case of special needs children, and multiple children, the need for both parents to be around is obvious. Children eventually become adults and to best create good and productive adults, it requires cooperation of family, friends and co-workers. The more we can do for children when they are developing, the better chances are we will have better adults and a better society. At some point, I will speak more in depth about my experiences, but I hope nations

346 Likes | 2127 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
あぁ〜〜いい天気だな! ゆっくり過ごして、作曲しようか〜 #outdoorwriting #sunnyday? #tokyo #japan

334 Likes | 2127 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Dくんのキーボードソロ 笑 #ToddlerMusic #Jammin #上手い

454 Likes | 2128 days ago | 21

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ライスちゃん 近ッ!

439 Likes | 2128 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Making that morning bread. #nutella #banana #lilbit #peanutbutter #米粉パン

298 Likes | 2129 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
メンテ中 #iphoneproblems

470 Likes | 2130 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
なんか。。。ライスちゃんのアルバム写真みたい 笑 変な写真を撮っちゃった

152 Likes | 2130 days ago | 5

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning all you Japan fans! Here’s a great resource for learning a bit more about Japan. Check it out on YouTube! @lifewhereimfrom

420 Likes | 2130 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
今日のベビーメニュー カリフラワーで作った野菜入りリゾット! #kidsmenu #healthy #veggies #cauliflowerrice #risotto

392 Likes | 2131 days ago | 23

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Can you sing? Do you like to sing? #singers

226 Likes | 2132 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Hard disk maintenance #パソコン #管理 #SSD #ハードディスク #ありすぎ

236 Likes | 2132 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
踊りって。。。 凄いな〜 #dance #excellence #fiyah #workit

393 Likes | 2132 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
??? 可愛くて猫も欲しくなっちゃう #kittens #itsatrap

448 Likes | 2133 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
笑 ライスちゃんにやってみたい???

538 Likes | 2135 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
成長が早すぎ!!もう8ヶ月か。。。? my little girl

260 Likes | 2137 days ago | 7

Chris Hart post on Instagram
“Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker.“ I am no longer a citizen of the US, so I have very little I can say or do about recent events. However, I can relate to the issues, since I am an immigrant. I was born and raised in a wealthy part of California, and never lived in poverty, but I am an immigrant to Japan. Some people ask me if I see myself as Japanese. I was not born and raised in Japan, so I recognize I am not Japanese. I am an immigrant to Japan and a naturalized citizen. With the gift of citizenship, comes the burden and responsibility to respect, honor and protect the country and culture I have come to call my own. I believe many immigrants around the world feel the same for their new countries. I believe we often see immigration as a one-sided issue and tend to divorce it from the human side. I can't speak for all immigrants around the world, but as an immigrant to Japan, I hope that others feel the same way I do. I have a tremendous feeling of love and appreciation for the country that has taken me in, a country that has shown me love and opportunity, a country that is the home of my children. Cruelty is a lousy policy. We have so much to gain from working with each other, and while there are no simple solutions, we must strive to be kind to each other. I hope families are reunited, and better days are ahead. #immigrant #japan #lovejapan #keepfamiliestogether

278 Likes | 2137 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
インスタのフィードで見た広告。。。 なんか。。。 凄い。。。 しか言えない。。。 ?

405 Likes | 2137 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#sousvidecooking #chicken 曲を考えながら料理してる???

306 Likes | 2138 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#rainyblue ???

464 Likes | 2138 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#お米 #感謝 #一日のエネルギー #元気な源?

442 Likes | 2139 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#PrayersforOsaka #Change #BeTheChange #BeBetter First off, my thoughts and prayers are with Osaka in these difficult times. I have spent a lot of time lately considering generational change. It seems like every generation of young teens and adults have complaints about their parents and grandparents way of life. It seems common to get caught up in the drama of life and become more concerned with your direct bubble, rather than the world as a whole. Some might say past generations spent too much money, or didn’t protect the environment, etc. I began to wonder what would my kids say about my generation. For many of us in our 30s and 40s, we grew up during the transition of a somewhat analog life, to a new digital life. I don’t know if we’ve dealt with that well and feel lost in between the two. If anything, I worry that my kids will say my generation was too apathetic. That we spent our time talking about change, and responsibility, but rarely actually worked to take responsibility and bring about change. I think more of us need to be more active. We need to become leaders in politics and private industry, to correct what we feel is wrong with the world. I don’t quite know where I fit into that yet, but I want to be more active so that my kids can grow up proud of the fight their father put up to make the world better.

648 Likes | 2139 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#familytime #dinnertime #何気ない日常 #乾杯

493 Likes | 2140 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#Repost @angel.m.banks ・・・ Happy Father’s Day Dad! #fathersday

342 Likes | 2140 days ago | 10

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#Roots #CantWait #DNA #検査結果待ち @africanancestry 気になったね アフリカのルーツ

466 Likes | 2142 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Hello! ハロー! Have a nice day!! #StillAlive #MusicMan #portrait #クリスハート #良い一日を

460 Likes | 2143 days ago | 29

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#WeAreBack #workspace #APE #1of2 #WorkInProgress Had time to focus on the post-move stuff since Instagram was offline for me. ワークスペースがいい感じ〜

472 Likes | 2144 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
もう楽器弾けるか!????? #babygirl #music #dadstuff

219 Likes | 2145 days ago | 6

Chris Hart post on Instagram
This one caught my eye. A society only gets better when it values everyone, treats them as equals and works together to move forward. Standing against equality is never in our best interest. #Repost @unwomen with @get_repost ・・・ #MondayMotivation from bell hooks, an American author, feminist, and social activist.

189 Likes | 2145 days ago | 4

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#Repost @kevinhart4real with @get_repost ・・・ #Facts #TooTrue

473 Likes | 2145 days ago | 19

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#10YearsAgo #WhatAmILookingAt #Younger #NotOldYet #10年前の僕 #僕じゃない僕 #あの時何を見てたか覚えてない #まだ若いかも

461 Likes | 2145 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#memories #blackandwhite #selfportrait #gettingolder #agingwellithink

400 Likes | 2146 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
引っ越してからまだパソコンの準備ができてないから、とりあえず久しぶりにiPadで作曲してみようか #simpleset #appwriting #newstudiospace

598 Likes | 2148 days ago | 21

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#Repost @_paulballard with @get_repost ・・・ Oh what a night ? @n_y.k @chrishart_official @toddspitz #goodtimes #bday #drinks #happy #ポールバラード #paulballard #englishman #in #tokyo #japan #songwriter #arranger #producer #TheseAreNotMyHashtags #PaulBirthday #NicholasWig #dafuq

327 Likes | 2150 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#makeawish #dreambig

468 Likes | 2151 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Moving day! #引っ越し

485 Likes | 2153 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
最高!! 最高!!!! New Album from the one and only Matsuda Seiko! 素晴らしい!!耳が幸せ ! #松田聖子 さん #merrygoround

436 Likes | 2153 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Chris Hart’s Quick & easy food prep for babies and toddlers using a food steamer! Buy lots of vegetables. Blanch them and throw them in the freezer. They can be stored for months, and when it’s time to prepare a meal for the kids, throw the veggies in the steamer! Great for the dads who can’t cook. ? Side note: a steamer works well for hard boiled eggs, cooking sausages and fish as well. You can make rice and so many other healthy foods for kids. For babies, use a mixer to make a purée with the steamed vegetables, or cut the veggies up small for toddlers. Steaming preserves the flavor and your kids can learn to love veggies! #Dadtip #離乳食 #野菜を冷凍してみよう #フードスチーマー #便利 #パパ達頑張ろう #goodmorning ???????

460 Likes | 2154 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
while it seems fairly obvious, spending time with one’s kids is important. Being able to spend time with my two wonderful kids is a blessing. They grow so fast. #DaddyDays

318 Likes | 2154 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
山海塾 『卵を立てることからー卵熱(リ・クリエーション)』 本当に素晴らしかった!!! #山海塾

758 Likes | 2156 days ago | 34

Chris Hart post on Instagram
何故か娘のヘアピンが。。。 #DaddyDay

354 Likes | 2156 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#偽アカウントにご注意 @chrishart_official <---公式です。

333 Likes | 2156 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#公式アカウント #SNS #インスタ #フェイスブック #ツイッター #クリスハート 偽アカウントがあるみたいで、ご注意ください! @chrishart_official

504 Likes | 2157 days ago | 24

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#幸せそう #GoodGirl #relaxinginthesun

562 Likes | 2157 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Good morning! #おはよう #whatsforbreakfast

273 Likes | 2158 days ago | 9

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Beautiful #Repost @aliciakeys with @get_repost ・・・ I saw this quote at the @theundergroundmuseum and it touched me sooooooooo deeply!! Look at us!! ???and imagine how much further we will go!!! ??????

741 Likes | 2159 days ago | 27

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#15年間 音楽を頑張ろうと思い始まったのは15年前だったよね。 アメリカでバンド活動して、セルフプロデュース、作曲作詞、日本語だけで歌ったり、日本人アーティストのオープニングアクトとして出たりして楽しい7年間でした。 そこから日本に移住して、ユニット活動、営業、CM活動。メジャーになって、ソロシンガーの活動。。。また楽しい8年間。 あっという間の15年間。これから続く道、まだ音楽の道だけど、また生まれ変わって新しいスタートになった。これからの15年はどうなるんだろう。 楽しみ

422 Likes | 2162 days ago | 26

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ベッドからの景色。。 動けないか 動きたくないか 結局動かないから 今日は一日中いろいろ考えながらちょっとLAZY SUNDAYになった 笑 #lazysunday

293 Likes | 2164 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Evolution is a good thing. It is difficult, but ultimately for the better. We learn about our weak points and things that threaten our survival, we change and learn new habits and skills to better adapt to the times. Now is another chance for evolution. In the wake of countless reports of sexual harassment involving people of influence and power, it is important that we accept the reality. Times have changed. “I didn’t mean it.” “Those were the times.” Those types of defenses are insufficient. We should see what it is. Almost all of us have contributed to a destructive, counterproductive and traumatic culture of abuse. How do I know most of us contributed? Because “those were the times” and most of us choose to conform to the norms of the times rather than stray from them. The intent is irrelevant. Being oblivious is irrelevant. We should accept that whether we knew or not, or whether we meant it or not, that countless people are hurt and traumatized by sexual harassment and abuse every single day. “I’m sorry.” “How do we change?” “Are you ok?” “What can I do to help?” In my mind, those are the most relevant places for us to start so that we can embrace evolution and move forward as a better society. Stand for change, not against it. #MeToo #WeToo #HowCanIHelp

428 Likes | 2164 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#公式アカウント #SNS #インスタ #フェイスブック #ツイッター #クリスハート

442 Likes | 2164 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#Upstairs #ファンファーレ #村上佳佑 #クリスハート #ポールバラード #APE @keisukemurakami_official @_paulballard #作曲 #作詞 #編曲 #コラボ #チェックしてね #発売中 #ユニバーサルミュージック #EMIレコード 今重なる僕らのストーリー。。。

443 Likes | 2166 days ago | 30

Chris Hart post on Instagram
村上くんのアルバム リリース日が明日だよ!! 僕と共作で作った曲ファンファーレも入っていますよ。 何年ぶり楽曲を作ったり、編曲したりして本当に楽しかった。 これからの作曲を頑張ります。そして、みんな!村上くんの事を応援してください!!! @keisukemurakami_official

438 Likes | 2167 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
僕の「続く道」のミュージックビデオに出演してくださった栗城史多さんが、エベレストから下山途中に亡くなったことをニュースで知り、大変ショックを受けています。 僕を含め、世界中の人々に、勇気と感動を与え続けてくれました。 本当にありがとうございます。 心からご冥福をお祈りいたします。 The news of your passing deeply saddens me. Thank you for letting me share your incredible story. The world is grateful for your courage, and the inspiration you gave to so many. May you rest in peace.

300 Likes | 2168 days ago | 16

Chris Hart post on Instagram
What is your worth? #Priceless

441 Likes | 2169 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#パパの仕事 #エンドレス #遊び #本当の仕事もね #作曲 #編曲 ??‍♂️?????????????

300 Likes | 2171 days ago | 8

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Sometimes it can be difficult to make sense of your world while you’re living in it. A little distance and time can lead to a new perspective. #LiveYourLife

610 Likes | 2171 days ago | 26

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#SpotifyJP #Spotify #卓球 #頑張ったけど #負けちゃった

567 Likes | 2171 days ago | 13

Chris Hart post on Instagram
笑 楽しかったね! ありがとう! #Repost @msoojafaith with @get_repost ・・・ クリスとSpotify遊びに行ってきたよ?‍♀️ . とっても素敵な会社でした✨✨? . #msooja #クリスハート #SpotifyJP #spotify

500 Likes | 2173 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#米粉パンケーキ @komekofanclub

405 Likes | 2173 days ago | 16

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303 Likes | 2173 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram

303 Likes | 2173 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram

627 Likes | 2174 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram

524 Likes | 2177 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#今日のメニュー #ラーメン #チャーシュー #10時間 #sousvide

544 Likes | 2177 days ago | 19

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#MonkeyAndMe another night of discovery and creation! #APE

366 Likes | 2178 days ago | 12

Chris Hart post on Instagram
ポール! おめでとう!!! みんなチェックしてね! #ポールバラード #作曲#編曲 #MyFriend #WALK #布施明 #Repost @_paulballard with @get_repost ・・・ Wonderful news to share today. 布施明 new album “WALK” released with the title track written by yours truly ? 11. WALK 作詞:松井五郎 作曲・編曲:ポール・バラード #fuseakira #walk #japan #wednesday #newalbum #celebration #happyday #happylife #happy #paulballard #englishman #in #tokyo #japan #songwriter #arranger #producer

395 Likes | 2178 days ago | 10

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#NewGear #ニューミー #ROLI I like to think that creativity is evolutionary. It doesn’t matter if it is new or old, creativity can evolve with the tools you use to create it. The more we challenge ourselves to learn, the more we gain new ideas and new skills. Who wants to write some music? #APE #クリスハート #ポールバラード

440 Likes | 2181 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#BabyChair これからのパパ仕事 ?

376 Likes | 2183 days ago | 25

Chris Hart post on Instagram

587 Likes | 2185 days ago | 23

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#ローストビーフ完成 サラダにして美味しかった! 10時間かかった。。

523 Likes | 2186 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
面白い画像だな パンで 笑 それもいいね。 そんな感じにした方がよかったかも Will you marry me? #MarryMe

461 Likes | 2187 days ago | 11

Chris Hart post on Instagram
久しぶりのSous Vide!? #SousVide #PapaChef

436 Likes | 2188 days ago | 23

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#PowerOfFive #5yearanniversary #English Today is the 5 year anniversary of my major debut. It’s a coincidence that I’m taking a break at this time to pursue other chances for growth. Still, I feel it’s important to reflect on those years, and more than anything it’s important to celebrate what my team was able to achieve. There are many non-Japanese singers in Japan and we are all dreaming big and doing so many great things. I am nobody’s first image of what a JPOP singer would look like. Regardless, from the efforts of my team, my fans, and the many people I’ve had the honor of working with on stage and behind the scenes, we achieved over a million cumulative album sales, a platinum record, 2 gold records, 4 gold digital singles, won awards, held a Budokan one-man live, multiple nationwide tours, including two back-to-back 47-prefecture tours, many various dinner shows, world heritage landmark lives, free lives and festivals. I’ve been on countless tv shows singing with so many wonderful artists and entertainers who I truly respect. I’ve sung so many of Japan’s classic songs and put out two original albums. It’s been a marathon honestly. Over that time I had two children and became a naturalized Japanese citizen. I appreciate those who know me from small beginnings as a Japanese rock singer in the states some 16 years ago, to the person I am now. Still, pop singer was never my first goal, and I want to challenge some of the musical adventures I originally set out to do both on and off stage. Thank you world for all the love and support these 5 years. I hope to show what else I’ve got in me for the future! See You Soon! Chris Hart

451 Likes | 2188 days ago | 14

Chris Hart post on Instagram
仕事から休憩して、パパタイムになります。 #掃除 #お風呂

645 Likes | 2189 days ago | 18

Chris Hart post on Instagram
Was another good morning today! #helloworld

430 Likes | 2192 days ago | 15

Chris Hart post on Instagram
You’d think I couldn’t drink this whole thing by myself You’d be wrong #TakeItToTheHead #Bubbly #itsacelebrationbitches

516 Likes | 2192 days ago | 20

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#ハヤシライス ??? #DadMode

446 Likes | 2193 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#restart #NewDays #NewProjects #Songwriter #Producer #EyesAhead #GoodbyeYeaterday #GoodbyeToday #HelloTomorrow

595 Likes | 2197 days ago | 22

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#LastLive #ThankYou #SeeYouAgain セットリスト: 1. まもりたい〜Magic of a Touch〜 2. I LOVE YOU 3. ファンファーレ (with 村上佳佑) 4. I Believe〜手をつなごう〜 (with May J.) 5. Dreams

591 Likes | 2198 days ago | 17

Chris Hart post on Instagram
#スッキリフェス #see you soon! #LastLive #活動休止前 #最後のライブ